We provide the specialized International Language Accreditation (abr. ILA) that proves the language as wrll as pro human attitude of its holders.
ILA has two versions:
- A. Language Product ~ for confests, events, projects and products like books, teaching aids, cds…
- B. Language Institution ~ for schools, language schools, centers, uni departments
ILA is currently available for applicants from the following countries:
- SK, CZ, AT, HU, PL, ES, IT, PT, SE, SI, UK, DK, FR, FI, LT, RS, BG, KZ
Necessary requirements for submitting the application for ILA:
- Language product / event: the product has already been released, created; the event has already been realized at least once
- Language institution: have to exist and actively implement teaching for at least two years
Language requirements:
a) What languages should the institution teach?
– No specific languages are prescribed. At primary, secondary and multi-year schools, at least three languages are expected to be taught, e. g. Slovak + English + Spanish / Slovak + German + French, etc. At kindergartens, language schools, centers, departments, teaching focused on one language or several languages is expected in an intensive form, depending on the type of institution.
b) In what language should the product / event be?
– In any language – Slovak, English, Russian, Spanish, etc., or language combinations.
Validity of the ILA
The validity of the accreditation is for three years from the date of its provision. After expiration, there is a possibility of extension for another three years in the form of a priority application for re-accreditation. The request for re-accreditation has to be submitted from the address registered when the accreditation was first granted no later than one day before the expiration of the accreditation. Request has to be sent by e-mail to 1ialf @ In the request, it is enough to state „We are writing to request for ILA re-accreditation, accr. number xxqqyyw.“ and attach the proof that the re-accreditation fee has been paid.
How to apply for ILA?
- The first step is to meet the necessary requirements listed above.
- Submit the ILA application. For both versions it is required to submit detailed information. There is the administrative fee (€45/€35) to be sent with the application.
- After receiving the application, the applicant is invited to supply additional documents depending on the version of the accreditation and type of the product / event / institution. The documents have to be delivered within 15 working days.
- Then the process of providing / not providing the ILA follows. The applicant pays the accreditation fee only in case of provision of the ILA, within five days from the date of notification of provision of the accreditation. The accreditation fee depends on the version of the accreditation and currently ranges from €190 to €900.
MEdzinárodná jazyková akreditácia (ILA) je špecializovaná akreditácia určená pre jazykové produkty (projekty, podujatia…) a jazykové inštitúcie (školy, jazykovky, centrá, katedry…).
Viac o ILA v slovenčine nájdete tu.